Lazy Mint

Our creators don't get gassed!

MEDIA EYE offers users the possibility to create NFT Сollections of unlimited size without incurring gas costs for minting.

Lazy Mint supports the booming trend in the non-fungible digital assets market with several benefits for artists and developers:

  • Lazy Mint eliminates the gas costs for creators minting NFTs, making the process far more affordable and accessible.

  • If you have a great idea, but can’t invest a lot of money in it right now - use Lazy Mint.

  • Mint-on-demand options lower your cost exposure to minting fees.

  • Using Lazy Mint for launching large collections, offering rewards, and creating free mints, airdrops, incentives, presales and promotional campaigns is a great way to reduce upfront expenditures while opening the unlimited potential to Jumbo size 😉your results.

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